Welcome to Spokane Catholic Young Adults

Join us in our Mighty Network

About Us

Spokane Catholic Young Adults is a communication platform that assists in helping young adults in the Diocese of Spokane connect and communicate with each other on their journey of discipleship with Jesus. 

Why You Should Join Us

Whether you’re new to the Diocese of Spokane or discovering the faith for the first time, looking for fellowship or new Catholic friends, newly married or discerning a vocation, Spokane Catholic Young Adults is a place to bring your authentic self and be met with connection and relationship with young adults from all walks of life, united in Jesus Christ and His Church.

Why Mighty Networks?

Other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) are focused on content distribution based on how an algorithm interprets your interests. Mighty Networks is a platform made for fostering authentic community and collaboration.

On this platform, you will be able to:

  1. Connect with Catholics in their 20s and 30s, just like you

  2. Share stories, experiences, and ideas

  3. Get answers to questions you can’t just Google

  4. Learn about opportunities in your parish, community, and beyond

  5. Connect with members who have similar goals and who are working through similar challenges

Community Guidelines

  1. This is a public space: Although each member must apply and be accepted into this network, this is not a space for private conversations. Don’t say it here if you wouldn’t say it in front of the bishop or your grandma. For this reason, direct messaging has been disabled and no private spaces may be formed.  
  2. Be charitable to each other: Personal attacks or profanity are not allowed. 
  3. No self-promotion or hiring: Advertising your personal projects, small business, products or services is prohibited. Likewise, seeking to hire someone via this network is prohibited. 
  4. Communication Platform, Not a Ministry: Spokane Catholic Young Adults Mighty Network is not a ministry but a communication platform managed by the Diocesan Offices of Evangelization and Communication. This platform connects young adults in the diocese and creates a space for parish-based groups to communicate. If you wish to create a formal group, it must be a ministry of your parish, serve that parish community and have the pastor’s approval. 
  5. Member Profiles: Each member’s profile should represent an individual person. Businesses, small groups, non-profits, ministries, are not allowed to have profiles. 
  6. Events: All Members are allowed and encouraged to host events. Fellowship through sports, activities, group meals, etc., is encouraged. If one wishes to host a theological event (a talk, teaching moment, etc. ), a priest or network host must be involved and approve the event to ensure there are no theological errors or scandal present. Posting other people’s events is not allowed; only post events that you are hosting so it is clear who the host is. 
  7. Report Poor Behavior: If you see something, say something. You may report members who are not following the rules to be reviewed by the hosts or moderators. 
  8. Breaking the Rules: If rules are broken, members, events, posts, groups, or comments may be removed at the discretion of the hosts or moderators.